Get The Measure Of Your Enablement

Measurement is vital for sales enablement.  Having access to the right data and being able to benchmark performance, measure improvement, track ROI etc means that you can make everything that might currently be ‘subjective’ into objective and data-driven.  Someone who is a firm believer in the power of data and measurement is Stefan Funk, SAP’s Program Lead for Data Driven Coaching.  We caught up with him recently to talk to him about how important enablement metrics are to him and which are the most valuable elements to measure in order to track the outcomes and value of enablement activity.   Here’s what he had to say:

How important are sales enablement metrics in your organisation?


“Sales Enablement metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are the oil to measure the effectiveness and the financial impact of all your enablement activities and they can support you in ensuring your field colleagues engage with your content and activity.  However, it is important to first differentiate between metrics and KPIs and the relationship between the two - after all, both are heavily influenced by insights and data. 

While sales enablement metrics mainly keep track on the status of a business process, KPIs focus on how effective you are at achieving your business objectives.”  

How can sales enablement leaders know which KPIs are the right ones for them?


“When it comes down to identifying the right KPIs to be measured you might want to consider insights on average deal size won, lead to opportunity conversation rate, win / loss ratio and rate, and length of your sales cycle – think about the main stages of sales and indicators of success.”


And how might metrics differ?


“Looking at important metrics, you may want to start with content consumption (views, downloads), sales team productivity (how are sales reps reaching their quota goals within a certain timeframe), onboarding, time to productivity for sales new hires, and number of coaching activities.  

“Using the right metrics for your sales enablement, you will gain great insights on how your content is being consumed, reaction and behavioral change of your learners.  And when sales enablement is done right, you will see an impact on the KPIs indicating your impact at a business level.”

If you would like to find out more about how e4enable can help you to get to grips with your sales enablement metrics and KPIs, read our blog on ‘Measuring Sales Enablement Success’.


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